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The Present

 Hello,  I hope this letter finds you well.   It's 7.30 in the morning, I have my coffee with me right now, a kind of coffee you would never have imagined. I’m planning to stay in my house all day as there is going to be a big rain today. The weather forecast has improved a lot in ten years, by the way. That’s why I kind of feel like writing a letter to you. I'm sipping my coffee, preparing for my breakfast, watching the news, and shopping for groceries while writing this letter. Don't ask me how I do that. You will find it out yourself. You know what? I've rarely heard anything about corruption on the news lately, but racism is still an issue even up to this day. *sigh*   Sitting on my bed looking outside my automated window, I realize that we are seeing a different world at the moment. The wooden window that you're opening right now is not here anymore, mate. No, I’m not seeing the green sawah (rice fields in Indonesia) you're seeing from your bedroo...
Postingan terbaru

Buruh dan Mesin: Siapa Paling Berjasa?

Apa lagi yang paling didambakan oleh sebuah negara berkembang jika bukan bertumbuhnya ekonomi?  Tidak terkecuali Indonesia, kesejahteraan akan selalu menjadi topik utama bagi sebuah negara . Sebagaimana yang telah dirumuskan dalam pembukaan UUD 1945, bahwa memajukan kesejahteraan umum merupakan salah satu tujuan yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia. Tidak lupa pula disebutkan bahwa masyarakat yang adil dan makmur merupakan salah satu indikator kemerdekaan bangsa . S udahkah kita mencapai tujuan tersebut? Atau setidaknya, sudahkah kita mempersiapkan batu lo ncatan untuk meraihnya? Berbicara mengenai pertumbuhan ekonomi, tentu tidak akan lepas kaitannya dengan permasalahan mengenai perkembangan teknologi dan ketersediaan tenaga kerja. Indonesia, dan juga dunia, telah memasuki era revolusi industri 4.0 dimana tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa kemajuan teknologi telah memberikan pengaruh besar bagi perkembangan ekonomi nasional. Peran dan kebutuhan akan buruh seakan-akan telah berkurang akib...

(Part 2) Icherisheher: A Living Museum That Will Take You Some Steps Back in Time

previously on Part 1 In 2000, Icherisheher, along with the Palace of The Shirvanshahs and Maiden Tower   were inscribed on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List. Though three years later UNESCO placed Icherisheher on the list of the World Heritage in Danger due to an earthquake occurred on November 2000 as well as the lack of a plan of development and protection of Icherisheher, the works done for the restoration and conservation of the city were able to remove it from the endangered list in 2009. The year 2020 marks the 20 th  anniversary of  the inclusion of Icherisheher in UNESCO’s World Heritage List. The inner part of Baku used to be the center of The Shirvanshah Dynasty back in the 12 th  century. A place that survived the modernization wave and centuries of destruction and resurrection has successfully preserved its own cultural treasures that we can still thankfully enjoy today. As if it were a living open-air museum where it plays an essential role in c...

Icherisheher: A Living Museum That Will Take You Some Steps Back in Time

Talking about cultures, Baku is one example of how different influence could lead to a varied cultural heritage. It is Azerbaijan’s most eastern point and capital city that is situated on the western shore of the Caspian Sea. As one of the cities that lies on the Great Silk Road, Baku was one busy area for it became the hub between the western and the eastern world. The fact that Baku is located 28 meters below sea level makes it the lowest lying capital city in the world. Situated at the Crossroad of Europe and Asia, throughout its development, Baku gained a lot of influences from both Europe and Asia. No wonder that it possesses a wide range of variety of cultures. Baku, The City of Winds, is one of the centers of Azerbaijan’s culture. As if it were a sea clam, Baku stores its precious hidden pearls: myriads of hidden cultures. One thing that is very interesting from Baku is how two places that seem to come from two different centuries coexisted, in one city. It feels like we are ...

'Beban Ganda' Bagi Indonesia

Siapa yang mati gaya gara-gara berbulan-bulan di rumah terus??  * angkat tangan sendiri * Jadi kan a yah gue dulu emang sering ngerekam-rekam gitu dan rekaman-rekamannya masih ada sampe sekarang huhu terharu banget 😭 Gara-gara karantina ini belakangan hari gue jadi bongkar-bongkar rekaman  handy cam  lama dari 15 dan 16 tahunan yang lalu. Sumpah taunya gue culun maksimal dulu hahahah kacau kacau....  Gue jadi bisa liat masa kecil pas rambut gue masih rambut batok gitu lol kalo nggak ada rekamannya kan mana pernah mau ngaku kalo gue pernah seculun itu haha. Ini nih salah satu highlight rekaman gue yang bakal gue obrolin kali ini. Dulu gue sekeluarga sempet tinggal di Banjarmasin dan kalo lebaran nggak bisa balik ke Jawa akhirnya kita jalan-jalan ke kota lain di sana, kebetulan waktu itu kita mau ke Palangkaraya. Waktu gue liat videonya, ternyata hampir sepanjang rekaman tuh jalanannya dipenuhin asap gara-gara kebakaran hutan. Btw gue dulu sebenernya pal...

#OneDayOneRecipe Bareng Yummy App!

Aku sampe nggak tau deh udah berapa ratus kali bilang kalau 'aku suka banget masak masakk'. Akhirnya aku bener-bener nemu hobby baru!! Frankly speaking, i could say that I've developed some skills of cooking and baking thanks to this #StayatHome situation  wkwk pede. Btw fun fact, aku tu tertarik sih buat masak, tapi sumpah nggak suka banget prosesnya! Nggak enjoyable gitu lhoo. Tapi rasa satisfied kalo udah liat hasil masakannya tuh,, beda cerita lagi! Masak tuh sebenernya nggak enjoyable, iya nggak sih?? *well at least for me xixi #hashtagfact. Apalagi buat yang nggak jago-jago amat kayak aku gini. Harus nonton youtube dulu, cari-cari resep dulu, terus brainstorm resep versi aku sendiri, nulis bahan-bahan, beli groceries dulu, cari-cari tutorial (lagi) barangkali ada yang salah / kelewat, terus baru deh bisa mulai masak. Hadeh pusing duluan mikirnya kebanyakan ritual. Nah tapi tapi tapii gara gara quarantine ini aku kan jadi lebih sering eksplorasi dunia masak memasak...

I'm Learning New Language!!

Ok, i think ive reached the peak of boredom here being quarantined for weeks. I keep doing the same thing eeevery single day so i thought it would be legit if i could do something//??? else/?/?// something better than being a couch potato at the very least.  And learning new language seems cool😎 well at least for me. Yeah, new language babe!! I'm being really optimistic with this one as i still have a lot of times until my uni starts and im a total jobless right now so,,,. what else to worry? i was a little bit lost on deciding which language i should learn hence i initially did a quick research on the internet to read people's suggestions. A lot of them suggest that its best to learn one of the United Nations' official language (beside english): arabic, mandarin, french, russian, and spanish. Out of all of them, i saw people suggest Mandarin, Spanish, and French the most. Here they come my top 3 candidates!! So how did i finally choose spanish? Ez. It wasn't...