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The Present


I hope this letter finds you well.


It's 7.30 in the morning, I have my coffee with me right now, a kind of coffee you would never have imagined. I’m planning to stay in my house all day as there is going to be a big rain today. The weather forecast has improved a lot in ten years, by the way. That’s why I kind of feel like writing a letter to you. I'm sipping my coffee, preparing for my breakfast, watching the news, and shopping for groceries while writing this letter. Don't ask me how I do that. You will find it out yourself. You know what? I've rarely heard anything about corruption on the news lately, but racism is still an issue even up to this day. *sigh*


Sitting on my bed looking outside my automated window, I realize that we are seeing a different world at the moment. The wooden window that you're opening right now is not here anymore, mate. No, I’m not seeing the green sawah (rice fields in Indonesia) you're seeing from your bedroom right now. They're all gone. I'm instead seeing new buildings and, oh, how cute! A group of grandpas is walking down the street! I think I have more grandparents here around me than ever as health care is getting better and better and life expectancy is rising day by day.


I bet you're still home being quarantined, aren't you? Don't get me wrong, though. I’m not anywhere near a paranormal nor a fortune-teller. I’m you. Yes, you! The you from 2030, the 10-years-older you! This is probably creepy hearing from your future self, especially because this kind of letter wasn’t really a thing in 2020, right? I mean, we're living in an advanced technology right now, so don’t be shocked! Now that I have the opportunity to send a letter 10 years back to my past self, or you, to be exact, I won’t tell you anything about me, your future self, as it might affect how you live and how you perceive your present life. I don’t want to affect and be involved in any of your decision-making process. Be that as it may, I only want to thank you for contributing to the society at your very best, for washing your hands, for staying at home during the pandemic despite all the challenges. Even your small contribution saves lives.


Remember what Bil Keane once said, “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why we call it the 'present'.”  I know you are extremely worried about what the future holds. Writing a letter for my old self and portraying my history is fun, but writing one for my younger self and disclosing my own mystery is another kind of story. How would you feel if you already knew the future? Would you still feel the excitement of a joyous moment that you may experience in the future? Could you still feel the thrill and adrenaline circulating through your blood? Would you still dream a lot?


You don’t know what happens tomorrow but you surely know what is happening now. I also don’t seem to see any reason for me to change the past. Remember that your today is a gift. Don't ever mortgage your joy in the present for the future that you yourself don't know. Live your today to the fullest. Treasure every moment you spend with your family and friends. Help others in need. Enjoy seeing the sawah while sipping your morning coffee.


Let’s just keep your tomorrow as a mystery. Your future may be, and sure is, very important, but living your today and cherishing every second that you have at the moment is more important. Never take your today for granted. Life is not all about achieving your dream but creating memories for a lifetime. Never let anybody affect you, not even your future self. You do you.


Oh, I think the rain is coming.

Anyway, please reply to me in ten years. I'm really hoping to hearing from you!



Love always,

You with more wrinkles



P.S. Your favorite jeans are not a trend anymore!


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