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Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2020

Volunteering during The Pandemic

I was soo shocked i immediately turned on my laptop and wrote this blog. I just read a news saying that the number of positive cases of Covid-19 here in my country has reached up to 5000. This is c r a z y. The number escalated quickly from 4000 to 5000 in just 3 days. I don't know who to blame here as i don't have the capacity to talk about it but this increasing number of cases sure worries the hell out of me. Due to this issue, the head of my housing complex implemented a 'local lock down' as a way to help to stop the spreading of the virus. Under no circumstances are outsider allowed to enter my neighborhood, and vice versa. With this kind of situation, we often question ourselves: what can i do to help us against this virus? By simply staying at home, reducing the frequency of meeting people, washing our hand, we can contribute in fighting against the virus. But how can we help people in need -Those who suffer from the pandemic as they got an unpaid leave or b...

Eugene :*

throughout this 2020 #stayathome i had developed some skills (cieilah) and one of them is,... gardening/?? *disclaimer*: not a professional version of gardening, of course. i first decided to do it after i saw a cute plant in front of my house. they live in groups and they look so cute. i then immediately grabbed a small plastic cup and pick some of them to later be planted in that cup. as unprofessional as it is, i managed to move the plant to the cup and this is how it looked. did a quick photo shoot bc why not it is THAT cute i even made a whole thread on twitter just for this little cutie. i love it so much. i then named it after one of the try guys' member, eugene. im not his fan though but his name just popped up in my mind when i think about it. #Day 9 Eugene gave birth to a new baby!!! welcoming a new member of the clan hello baby eugene!! #Day 22 Eugene now has 6 babies oh my God didnt expect that at all!! eugene is so fertile lmaoo #Day i...

2020 Pandemic

2020 seems to be a 'bad' year for us. Lots of good figures passed away, lots of disasters happened, and this Covid-19 pandemic is the peak. I hope this is the last disaster we all have to face this year. Surprisingly, Indonesia remained calm when this virus started to spread globally, despite the big number of people we have here in our country. Some figures even welcomed foreign tourists who passed the temperature test at the airport. This news ignited our people's anger, for sure. It indeed sounded ridiculous. Several weeks passed, the number of cases and death toll increased. Of course, it shocked us.  Everyone started panic-buying. We ran out of masks, hand sanitizers, soaps. Hoaxes started to spread. And, yeah, people started to blame our government (or our president, to be specific). For me, this isnt all the fault of our government. We read news, we know exactly what is happening. Though the government should at least not being so confident about our country being ...

Nonton Konser SUJU!!

Jadi,.. ekhm. Telat banget btw aku nulisnya huft. Akutu udah ngefans sama suju dari sd deh, kelas 3 apa 4 ya.. Pokoknya awal-awal tau K-pop tuh ya suju itu sama snsd. 2 taun lalu dapet info kalau mereka mau ngadain Super Show 7 kan. Karena kena pengalaman nonton konser CNBlue setaun sebelumnya yang ternyata bikin nagih banget, akhirnya aku mulai saving up money gitu sih since then, biar bisa beli tiket konser sendiri wkw. Waktu tau suju ngadain SS7 aku agak tenang sih, kayak, okelah ntar paling kalo mereka kesini tabunganku bakal cukup. Optimis banget lah mereka bakal nge-include indo ke list negara nya. Masa iya punya fans segini banyak di indo tapi nggak mampir? #pede Eh tapi kok sampe ujung-ujung nggak nyium bau-bau announcement bakal konser disini ya,.. Ribut dan sasah tuh para elf di twitter. Udah pesimis juga sih soalnya jadwal konser terakhirnya juga udah dirilis dan gaada kabar mau ke indo sama sekali. Yaudah deh. Sedih sih aku, tapi seneng juga kan bisa nabung lebih bany...

Nonton Konser CNBLUE! Gratis!

Ya, jadi, salah satu alasan aku mau meng upgrade blog yang suram ini adalah karena aku pengen nulis cerita waktu nonton konser pertama selama menjadi fans kpop dari esde, hm. Sebuah konser yang sebenernya sangat tidak terduga. Bayangin, aku baru fix nonton konser h-1 konser dimulai! Mana ada persiapan, coba?  Rumah bukan di tangerang lagi kan. Tapi senengnya, aku bisa nonton konser itu gratisss💃💃 *15 menit Mikir mau nulis apa lagi* Jadi di awal tahun 2017 ini, aku dapet kabar kalo CNBLUE bakal ngadain tur asia, dan akhirnya, Indonesia ada di list tur nya mereka, huhu terharu😭😭 sebagai fans nya si om om ganteng itu, aku girang banget, dong, pasti. Jarang banget masalahnya mereka kesini hffft Pas ngeliat berita itu, aku langsung deg degan. Tanganku gemeteran. Serius! Sueneng banget! Tapi, belom aja selesai gemeterannya, i had to face the worst reality: gaada duit. Padahal tanggalnya 15 Juli, pas banget pas liburan sekolah, abis UN!   Mupe...